Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OH MY GOD! I'M ACTUALLY POSTING ON THIS BLOG! Yes I know I was supposed to post like 2 weeks ago. Darn. You don't need to remind me. Anyway, are Singaporeans gracious?

The answer that would most likely come from most of us is...no. Come one, we complain about our fellow Singaporeans all the time. About how rude we are, about how racist we are, and that kind of thing. And a whole lot of other stuff. We're un-critical of each other aren't we

Now about that rude part. Hrm. Maybe the correct word shouldn't be rude, but rather... how do you say it, uncaring of others? Or maybe inconsiderate. Well, somewhere along those lines. I think you get my drift don't you? I mean, its like, once I was in the MRT in the morning, and almost stepped on a primary school kid sitting down right smack in front of the doors. Seriously. He was sitting down there, in front of the doors, looking up at the people who were boarding the train like he was doing nothing wrong. Apparently he was oblivious to the many people staring daggers at him. All of us had to step carefully around him, so as to not accidentally squash his toe or something. I felt like doing it, but then it wouldn't have been very nice would it. This experience is just one of the many examples of the many times I've experienced rudeness/inconsiderate-ness(is it inconsideration? sounds weird) on the MRT. I won't even start on the guy who blasts bloody mandopop every morning. I havn't really gone out to other countries, so I wouldnt really know about them, but still, from my own standard, I think Singaporeans can score pretty high on the "ungracious-ness" meter don't you think?

Oh darn this is all I can think of now about this topic. I think you can see this was pretty spontaneous. Ah well. I'll add some more later when i get sudden inspiration or something. Speaking of sudden inspiration, I can't believe I wrote about Maplestory for english CCT. I am so dead.

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